About the Award Winning Vocal Arts
Singing from the heart since 1977
"As long as we live there is never enough singing"
- Martin Luther
Vocal Arts has been performing locally since 1977 and has toured Canada, Spain, South America and Europe, including Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic. Singers in the ensemble are required to pass an annual vocal audition to qualify for membership. The Board of Directors consists of a mix of singers and community members, as well as the Executive Director and Music Director.
From 2007 to 2013, the Vocal Arts produced the California International Choral Festival and Competition (CICF) with thousands of singers from around the world visiting San Luis Obispo and performing at the Harold Miossi Hall, Performing Arts Center. On our 40th year, the Board created the Gary & Partricia Lamprecht Music Education Endowment to establish scholarships for local high school seniors who want to pursue an advanced degree in music. Vocal Arts also sponsors the Central Coast Spring School Choral Festival, held at the Cal Poly Performing Arts Center each year. Between 45-60 school choirs (from elementary to high school) from all over California perform on the main stage of the grand theater, over two days, and received valuable feedback from a panel of adjudicators.
Vocal Arts seeks to deliver the experience of choral music to a wide audience in San Luis Obispo County and beyond our local region through our international touring. Tours are held every other year and usually incorporate a competition or festival. Vocal Arts has secured dozens of medals at choral competitions all over the world, making our organization one of the most decorated performing arts groups in San Luis Obispo County.
Our Mission
The mission of the San Luis Obispo Vocal Arts is to foster excellence in choral music. We strive for the highest level of vocal performance, providing educational and inspirational experiences for students, audiences, performers, and all people seeking harmony in our community and our world.
Vocal Arts welcomes and encourages diversity and is actively pursuing and expanding our audience to include people of all ages, races, religions, and cultural backgrounds. If you have any ideas as to how we can expand our presence, please contact executive director Kate Albert. kate@vocalarts.org
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